R. E. Stearns

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NaNoWrimo Prep

Yes, there is life after Dragon*Con. I've been researching for my next project. I haven't got a title yet, but it's an urban fantasy set in 2009 Afghanistan, believe it or not. I don't usually write urban fantasy because I feel obligated to do a great deal of research before writing about real places. This has been enjoyable research, however. Ask me about CSAR teams, Kalasha culture, or Bagram Airfield! I have answers. Or plausible handwaving, anyway. Magical Words had a great post titled Capturing Character Voices about interviewing your characters to get to know them better.

I'm looking forward to NaNoWriMo in November. Nothing like writing the first draft alongside thousands of other sympathetic authors! I don't know how I'm going to make my word counts with all the business travel I've got scheduled, but I'm sure I'll find a way. Maybe I can join write-ins in other cities! That would be fun. I'm trying to convince my husband to join in this year. He's got a goodscience fiction concept, but I will probably have to plot it for him if I want him to write along with me. He's not very motivated.

That's all for now! Expect more frequent updates during the month of November.