5 Minutes of 2010 Memory
This Reverb 10 response may be awfully short, considering my memory: Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.
- Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in DC with Grant, Greg, and Shackers = awesome
- Ryan (niece) still likes dolls and pink things
- Sean (nephew) still likes dragons and video games
- Learned how to write a query letter
- Started four blogs (on dreaming, writing, moving to Canada, and indulging), kept this one and deleted the others
- Finished Guardian
- Won NaNoWriMo and got in the habit of pronouncing it properly (Wri = wry)
- Finally started that sci fi I've been wanting to try out (Sol!)
- Joined Critters critique group
- Discovered Schlock Mercenary
- Said goodbye to San Diego
- Decided to move to Toronto someday
- Spent hundreds on Xmas presents, but the hundreds found their way back to us immediately.
- Had a traumatic but relatively tolerable Thanksgiving
- Got back on Facebook
- Learned how to make coffee in a French press
- Stopped eating eggs (mostly)
- Learned to write anytime, anywhere
- Started walking to work
- Winter was ridiculously cold
- Perfected baking basic bread
- Decided not to drink any more Guinness
- Got a bright red living room chair
- Cat-proofed the backyard
- Gave up on the garden
- Cooked dinner in a fire pit in summer
Slightly better than expected! I left out quite a lot, but that's alright. I write everything down so that I remember much more than this.